
Showing posts from July, 2021

Good Night, Skis

  I know; it's hard.  That was one amazing ski season and you wanted it to last forever.   But if last weekend's heat dome told us anything, it was that ski season is truly over and it's time to move on, to move past the shock and denial ("But I love winter!") through reconstruction ("Hey, I also love biking and hiking and roller skiing and paddling; I love summer, too!") to acceptance and hope ("Winter will be back!"). Before you throw yourself headlong into summer training activities, give yourself an afternoon, if you haven't already, to get those faithful skis ready for their long summer nap.  It's nothing complicated: clean off all the leftover detritus from your last adventure (especially if we're talking classic skis and wax pockets), give them a wipe with a solvent and a good scrub with a briskly bristled brush, then melt on some soft cheap wax, nice and thick.  And you're done!   If you don't have a good waxing set-...