It's Gunnar Hagen Time!

One week to go until the Gunnar Hagen 7.5k and 30k classic race, January 8! Are you ready? Are you registered? Have you clicked on the race information page and registration link on the Kongsberger website? Here are a couple of thoughts to help you get your racing brain in the right place. First, regular registration closes at 5:59pm on Thursday, January 5. If you just can't decide if you're in or out, or you're a habitual procrastinator, late registration FOR A $30 LATE FEE is available from 6:00pm on Thursday, January 5, to 6:00pm on Friday, January 6. After that, the registration door slams shut, so don't be thinking you're going to show up on race day and try to sweet-talk (or bully) the timing crew into giving you a special exemption. Second, we're instituting a new bib pickup system this year , to make the process go more smoothly. Here are the details: The plan is for people to know their bib number before they get into their designated...