Spring Cleaning
There are any number of valid reasons why our snow-park cleanup volunteer numbers were lower than normal this weekend -- there was the predicted zombie apocalypse traffic jam, and it's peak competition time for kids' sports teams so parents are coaching and cheering and shuttling -- but I'm going with the chicken metric. For years Kare and Aase have put considerable time and effort into creating a grilled chicken feast as part of our annual post-clean-up potluck, for which we are deeply deeply grateful. The prospect of the chicken has pulled in all kinds of volunteers and turned a run-of-the-mill potluck into a party, where we talk and laugh and eat and drink good things and tell stories about the ski season just past and make plans for the summer ahead. But it's a lot of work; they're only human, and this year they just weren't up to it. So our numbers were down. Coincidence? I think not. But it turned out okay, because the amount of trash we f...