Call to Action! Gold Creek and the USFS and How You Can Help
I f you're a skier or a snowshoer or any kind of nonmotorized winter recreationist along the I-90 corridor, you care a lot about the Forest Service's recently announced plans for the Gold Creek Sno-Park and the boat launch road at Hyak. Joy Cordell has been keeping up with these developments as they happen, and shares with us this report and call to action. **** The Cle Elem Forest Service office released the Gold Creek draft plan in early May and held a public meeting April 24. Many of us who care about recreation had concerns and questions but waited until after the meeting to consolidate our thoughts. In reading the Plan, we immediately noticed that the Plan said it would close winter grooming of the boat launch road at Hyak. That sentence was tucked away in the section where the Forest Service detailed putting up new gates on that paved road to prevent motorized vehicles from accessing and damaging the lake bed during dry months. I...