The Gunnar Hagen is a Go!

Aa recently as last weekend, the Gunnar Hagen ski race at Cabin Creek was looking iffy: record-smashing levels of snow and numbers of falling trees and multiple pass closures had hampered the groomer's efforts to just try to keep up, much less groom trails.  But after literally heroic efforts from Nick and his exhausted crew, a cadre of skier volunteers tackling the branches and down trees, and finally, a break in the weather,  it's all systems go for the Gunnar Hagen this Sunday, January 16!  There's plenty of snow, the trails are in great shape right now (although with some tree debris in the tracks), and with Covid protocols in place, we're looking forward to offering some racing excitement again.

Registration and race info are available on the website, and here are some other details that will come in handy as you get ready for race day:

-- No day of race registration, and online registration closes at 6:00pm on Saturday.

-- The cabin and the waxing shed are closed to non-KSC members.  There will be a multi-prong adapter hooked to a power cord from the waxing shed down to the stadium area that people can plug into to wax their skis; we'll set up one table down there, but if you have your own waxing set-up, you're invited to bring it.

-- No festive post-race lunch, so bring your own recovery food.  We'll have cold and hot water, hot chocolate and cider packets, and bananas and oranges at the finish, and a feed station out on the course with water, Nuun, and Clif refreshments.

-- There will be tents in the stadium area for finish-area food and drinks, waxing, and to stash your gear while you race (not in the cabin).  Anyone who wants to bring their own tent would be very welcome.

-- No fluoro waxes!

-- Interval starts, two at a time, starting at 10:00 for the 30k (four laps), followed by the 7.5k racers (one lap).

-- Awards ceremony via Zoom later on Sunday; check the website for details.

We're doing our best to put on a fun day in these precarious Covid times, so please socially distance as much as you can and wear your mask when you're milling about and not actually racing.  Looking forward to seeing you!


  1. Shout out to Joe Seemiller, our groomers,
    and the tree fairy swampers for hours of pre race trail preparation!


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