A KSC Kind of Weekend

 First we parade, then we pick up gross trash, then we party.

First, the parade on Friday evening: a little bit of a disappointment compared to previous years. The parade itself is always fun, big and boisterous and full of music and pizazz, but KSC's presence was much smaller, just a handful of marchers and one (one!) roller skier. Kudos to Krystal for her efforts to round up the troops, and to Slyfield for carrying on the roller skiing tradition.

Pictures -- the first two are from Rachel and all the rest are mine.

Rachel, asking me why I'm on the sidelines and not in the parade! (Answer: I got there too late.)

Two Swedes and a Norsk, looking for a party.

Our solitary roller skier, carrying on the years-long tradition.

Then Saturday was the snow-park cleanup day, when we put on rubber gloves and grab our trash-grabbers and marvel at the amazing and gross things that people think are okay to throw into the forest, and also take care of other cabin chores.

Big smile from Tower of Power.

Slyfield, switching from roller ski mode to trail mode.

Coach Felty, blending into the scenery.

Mike, in the forest instead of at the pointy front end of races.

Krystal, switching from parade mode to forest mode.

Don and Jeff, performing secret rituals in the snowmobile shed.

Nate, Mr. Fix-It.

President Rune, never not working! (I googled how to say "President" in Norwegian and it turns out, it's "President." So there you go.)

Ozzie, making sure things are done right.

Ann came all the way from Alaska to pick up trash with Dad and Frank.

Jimmy, letting us know the age of his knees. 

Then, our reward -- lunch, with another years-long tradition, Kare and Aase's world famous grilled-outside-over-an-open-fire chicken!

The inside crew, Joan and Aase.

The Chicken Master himself, Kare.

No words are needed; it's time to dig in.

But hey, all this festivity was secretly in honor of Jim Lindsey's 90th birthday! June did it up right, with a gorgeous cake and a wall of pictures of Jimmy throughout his life, from a young stud standing on top of Mt Rainier through a lifetime of hiking and ski racing and adventures all over the place. (Ask her to tell you the story of how he fell off the roof of the women's outhouse when he was building it and broke his neck, then crawled to the road to flag down a pickup truck full of hunters for a sort-of rescue.) She made a point of inviting our treasured old-timers, and it was awesome to see them. Happy birthday, Jimmy!

Carrot cake from Larsen's bakery. Say no more.

Jimmy's aw-shucks moment, as an entire cabin full of friends sings happy birthday!

June, the chief party maker.

Bringing back the gang. Thanks, June, for this picture!

Treasured old-timers Vidar and Koll.

Treasured old-timers Paul (with his usual big smile) and Ozzie.

Treasured old-timer Odd. Raise your hand if you love this picture as much as I do!
