Happy 70th Anniversary, Kongsberger Ski Club!


70 years of existence is no mean accomplishment for any organization, and KSC celebrated this milestone in style, with a gala event at the Nordic National Museum.  Big thanks to Suzanne and Krystal for getting the ball rolling when we realized this was a big year, and to Rachel and Augustina for getting the ball across the finish line. There was music, there was food (cake!), there were speeches and toasts and friends old and new, from far and near. It was a wonderful, memorable evening!

Rune welcomed the crowd, then Rob gave us a beautiful, heart-warming, sometimes funny talk that described the old-time jumpers from Norway who gave the club its start, then moved forward to our contemporary old-timers, and finally to up-and-coming juniors. His vignettes provided historical notes and also brought the long-gone members back to life with his stories.  The full text of his speech is provided in the blog post that follows this one on the website; it's well worth a read when you have a minute -- there are probably a lot of amazing things you didn't know about some of the members you see all the time!

Peter then started the toasting with a toast of his own, extolling the bravery and sheer guts of those long-ago Norwegians who flew down rickety ski jumps and threw themselves into the air; as a former jumper himself, Peter knows a thing or two about throwing one's self off a jump! A number of people followed with their own toasts, describing their connection to the club and what it has meant to them. 

During the speeches and toasts, a showcase of old photos and videos streamed in the background, showing sturdy young men in their wool sweaters and knickers trudging up snowy mountainsides with their skis over their shoulders (no grooming for these boys!), then soaring back down in that old style -- skis together, arms ahead or behind -- that you don't see anymore. A real highlight was video of the construction of the cabin as it stands today; all of your favorite old-timers are there, young and strong and having so much fun. Our old-timers are simply awesome.

Below are pictures from Rachel to give you a flavor of the festivities. Thanks, Rachel, and thank you to everyone who came and made the evening so special.

